The Texas Corps of Fire Chaplains was formed in December of 2009 in cooperation with the Federation of Fire Chaplains and is not intended to replace those local groups that are currently in operation, but rather offer them our support. Based on the desire to serve those who serve others through the fire service, the Texas Corps of Fire Chaplains seeks to implement four main services:

  • Response
    We have trained chaplains available to respond to crisis situations in the State of Texas that involve local fire departments as well as statewide emergencies or disasters. Examples include: line-of-duty deaths, serious injury of a firefighter, traumatic events, natural and man-made disasters, and mass casualty incidents. Further, the Corps will also respond with Critical Incident Stress Management trained chaplains, if requested, to assist fire departments in CISM interventions.
  • Training
    We provide training opportunities through the Federation of Fire Chaplains Institute for those interested in becoming a fire chaplain and for those current fire chaplains wanting to advance their knowledge and skills in service to their fire organization. Our desire to develop a standard practice for fire chaplains. Annual Training Conference for the organization is conducted in April. Additional training opportunities will be scheduled as need arise.
  • Consultation
    We are available as consultants to Texas fire departments interested in beginning a chaplain program. If requested, the Corps could provide recommendations of trained chaplains for those departments beginning a chaplain program or looking for a chaplain to fill an existing position.
  • Networking
    Networking is the driving force behind the formation of this organization. To insure the success of this organization, the Corps will require a network of chaplains throughout Texas. This network would provide mentoring opportunities for experienced fire chaplains to help those just beginning the fire chaplaincy. This network would also provide a resource for fire chaplains seeking solutions to issues that may arise within their department.